Catherine & Elizabeth Allison

Elizabeth “When I lived in NC I was the only black kid in class. When I lived in Africa, I was the black kid with the white family and stuck out in the village and made me uncomfortable. There’s so much diversity at RUD that it makes me very comfortable to be here.”
Catherine “God has shown me in very specific ways that he sees Elizabeth. He’s provided for her in specific ways through dance and through people.”
Adoption, for many children, is rooted in trauma. In a span of 30 hours, Elizabeth lost everything that was familiar to her. All her caregivers she was used to, her culture, every smell, every sound, every taste was all left behind when the Allison’s adopted her as a toddler. It’s inevitable that children of international adoption will experience some sort of anxiety. But God has been faithful in the life of this beautiful young lady!


Dezmond Sam-Peal - Episode 14


Kennedy Augustin - Episode 12