One little girl, with one big fight,
changing the world with her transcending light!

Sweet Bella loved dancing, especially at RUD. She danced in classes, camps, workshops and dance concerts. In December of 2021 at the age of 10, Bella was diagnosed with B-Cell Leukemia. She began her fight in 2022 with bravery and positivity. She became everyone’s hero, always thinking of others first no matter what she was going through or how she was feeling. Doctors told her she beat the cancer, but on August 7th, 2022, she entered heaven’s gates after a rare infection unexpectedly took her life.
The Sweet Bella Scholarship Fund has been created by her family to carry out Bella’s legacy of love, compassion, positivity, bravery and generosity. This fund will sponsor a variety of programs at RUD but more specifically will honor a dancer each year that lives out Bella’s same spirit. The first recipient will be awarded at I AM HIP HOP 2023. The Francesca’s hope is that Bella’s Light will continue to change the world through people inspired by her short but very impactful life.
Bella taught us all to be free.
As the only girl in her breakdance class, she inspired people to be confident, be yourself, and have fun.
Bella faced her problems head on!
Bella had no fear, or at least she didn’t show it. She was always the first dancer to enter a cypher and would stay in it as long as she was aloud! She had a killer worm! It’s no surprise that she attacked every chemo treatment with a dance session.